=  January 2025=  
 Ray Russell Quartet
Las Fuerzas Extanas
Thorn Wych
Trappist Afterland
Web Rumors



(CD on Jazz in Britain)


In 2020, Jazz in Britain released the Ray Russell Quartet’s Spontaneous Event – Live Vol. 1:  1967-1969.  The performances pulled from the Quartet’s two albums for CBS, Turn Circle and Dragon Hill, and much more.  We loved that recording, as it showcased the revolutionary, evolutionary guitarist in his early days, a mostly strait-laced series of live broadcast recordings for BBC’s Jazz Club.  The set had just enough hints that here in Russell was something special, a fellow just starting out and headed for greater success and stylistic growth, about to push the boundaries of guitar playing every which way.  Now, Jazz in Britain has released The Complete Spontaneous Event, expanding the collection from one LP to two CDs, and the tracks from the original six on vinyl and nine on the original digital download to a full twenty.


The quartet featured Russell on guitar, pianist Roy Fry on most the tracks with Pete Lemer on others; the late Ron Mathewson and sometimes Dave Holland on bass; and Alan Rushton on drums.  This is hardly a combo where the name on the marquee is the only one with which you need to pay attention.  Roy Fry is a perfect counterpoint on piano to Russell.  He’s not there just to play rhythm.  He’s an equal partner, whose lead breaks are always creative.  If Russell’s playing all up and down the fretboard with ease and dexterity, when Fry gets his chances he does the same on the keyboard.  His playing is always melodic and lyrical.


Likewise, the great Ron Mathewson isn’t sitting placidly in the background on bass.  Some of these tracks are quite a ride, fast-tempo roller coasters where Mathewson swerves with every dip and turn.  If you train your ear to just listen to his bass, you’ll notice he never sits still, doesn’t play the same phrase twice.  Even on quieter tracks he’s always on the move, maintaining a frenetic pace while playing low notes, high and everywhere in between.  He is all over the neck.  To use a photographic analogy, if you were to flip the negative, making Russell’s guitar the more passive shade and Mathewson the dominant, you’d hear Mathewson in all clarity every bit as untamed as Russell.  Alan Rushton on drums can do it all as well, and had probably worked up quite a sweat by the end of the shows.


Though most of the time the playing is traditional in style in lyricism and time signatures, occasionally Russell leads the band into unexplored territory, where they’re all free to roam other pastures.  This is especially true on the later tracks, from late 1968 and 1969.


The previously unreleased tracks prove the original Spontaneous Event wasn’t just a highlight reel.  This time more is more.  All the tracks are of uniformly high quality, bursting with creativity and originality.  Donated from both Russell’s and Mathewson’s tape archives, the performances are beautifully transferred and sound as fresh today as the days they were laid down.  Recommended.


(Mark Feingold)


(Self-released, Bandcamp)


Las Fuerzas Extrañas is a new power trio from Cordoba, Argentina and this is their first EP.  The four song, 25-minute set will delight anyone who digs well-executed guitar-driven hard rock.  I’m not talking about heavy metal, doom, sludge or any of their sub-genres, just good old rock with a hard edge.  The songs are sung in Spanish, but I’d say more than half of the running time is instrumental.  The vocals are straightforward and satisfying when they do appear.


The band, whose names translates roughly to ‘The Weird Forces’ in English, comprises Manu Montoya on guitar, Gabi Diaz on bass, and Zequi Ciscar on drums.  Each is a confident, talented musician.  Montoya on guitar is especially ferocious, and gives this fledgling band its sharp bite.  I wish they would say who sings the vocals so I could duly credit them, but we’ll just have to wait to find out on their next release.


Interestingly, the title track, also released as a single, and which translates to ‘Atomic Test’ in English, is an all-instrumental the band cites as a warm-up rehearsal, and is pretty stunning for a warm-up.  Starting with a basic walking beat, eventually Manu Montoya fills in the spaces with some truly sick guitar playing laden with distortion and wah-wah.  The other three tracks are more polished written songs.  The playing is raw, and you can always count on Montoya to both lay a thumping rhythm foundation with Diaz and Ciscar, but to explode at some point in a paint-peeling solo.


Lead track “El Manantial” introduces the band in a steady downbeat.  The band takes its time for the vocals to drop in, followed by a ripping guitar break.  Like most of the tracks, “Eclipse” starts with an intro with the band just settling into a simple repeating beat before going into heavy guitar riffing, melody and vocals. Closer “Nuestro Amo Juega Al Esclavo” has a reveille-sounding wake-up call on guitar, before moving into the verses and more Hendrixian hijinx.


I’m looking forward to seeing what Las Fuerzas Extrañas can do on a long player or in live performance.  This EP shows a band with great promise, where intelligently conceived hard rock combined with instrumental chops equals a leap out of the starting blocks for the trio from Argentina.


(Mark Feingold)


(LP and Download on Hood Faire Records)

The Hood Faire label founded in 2005 and managed by Sam McLoughlin is a part of the extended and increasingly revered Folklore Tapes family. It has released an eclectic catalogue of music born and bred in the South Pennines, ranging from experimental DIY psychedelia and ambient improvisation to the lush and immersive guitarscapes of Dean McPhee.

Thorn Wych is a musician who also makes musical instruments from her base in the Pennine Lancashire town of Bacup. Whilst Bacup is a town more associated with its Brass Band tradition, Thorn Wych specialises in making instruments from native trees including Wych Elm, Lime, Wild Cherry, Oak and Yew. She performs suitably unique music on these unique instruments which include bowed strings, flutes and percussion sometimes treated through electronic processes and effects, with added vocal samples to create something quite otherworldly, individual and out of time.

‘Aesthesis’ is Thorn Wych’s debut album recorded and mixed at home and drawn from a series of often longer improvised pieces. The music is often quite startling, sometimes disturbing and other times more gentle but always very much rooted (no pun intended) in folk and traditional music from the British Isles and around the world in particular African and Asian folk, ceremonial and devotional music. Production is sometimes raw and claustrophobic which only adds to the otherworldy time capsule quality of the music. There is a strong devotional ambience to the music both in the vocal elements introduced and the overall sound which is both ecstatic and reflective and often ritualistic in nature. A sense that this could be based on an older field recording pervades the music which becomes almost like a dream sequence when primitive percussive sounds, sometimes ceremonial and sometimes dance like, and various electronic treatments are introduced. At times I was reminded of Sun City Girls or early Residents mixed into historic folk and field recordings from around the world.

This is a fascinating and hopefully only the first window into a very individual musician’s world where the environment around her provides both the material and inspiration to make very personal and often beautiful improvised folk music and the instruments to perform it. For the more adventurous listener there is both a story and sound that is both curious and captivating in its environmental, devotional and musical endeavours. Seek out and enjoy.

(Francis Comyn)


(DL/LP from Bandcamp) 

Reverting back to the name Trappist Afterland following a couple of fine albums under his own name, Adam Geoffrey Cole has written his most personal album yet, familiar philosophical themes intertwined with songs that touch on a turbulent couple of years in his life where change and uncertainty became ever present, these emotions captured beautifully within the songs.

With the familiar ring of a hypnotic, circular riff, ‘The Squall’ leads us into the turmoil, ‘a squall that came from nowhere’ that had a profound effect, the music tense and rich in textures, a sombre way to begin yet with flashes of light within. On the traditional hymn ‘The Good Old Way’  Adam is joined by Henry Parker, Angeline Morrison and Matt Malone, a song of hope with a beautiful vocal delivery and some gorgeous playing from all.

Stretching out to nearly eight minutes, ‘Cruciform,The Re-Incarnation of Kelly Anne’ features some fine distorted guitar giving the song energy and purpose as it drones across the room before a lighter section twinkles with joy showcasing Adam's perfectly judged guitar work. Both beautiful and seemingly deeply personal, ‘Give Thanks and Lament’ could be the centrepiece of the album, a statement and a blessing, the distinctive vocals of David Tibet adding another layer to a tune that is fast becoming a favourite in these parts.

Equally beguiling, ‘Barefoot In Thistles’ finds Adam's vocals at their emotional best, enhanced with the guitar of Henry Parker and the violin of long-time collaborator Anthony Cornish.

If you are a fan of Adam Geoffrey Cole's previous work then you will definitely want to hear this one as it has a slightly different feel, one of those early seventies acid-folk classics that has yet to be discovered, the longer meditation tunes replaced by the personal. As the record moves on there is a sense of optimism, acceptance and warm remembrance, everything will be ok, life is good and the sun will rise tomorrow.

Over nine tracks the album seems to cast a spell, needing to be listened to intently, great playing from all concerned with special mention to Tali Trow, who adds various instruments to the tunes as well giving the record a warm and inviting production.

As the final chord of the gorgeous love song ‘You Are Evergreen’ fades out I am tempted just to play it all again, and maybe you will be too. (Simon Lewis)


(CASS/DL from bandcamp)  

Mainly working In the electro/synth pop, dance genre, Em Burrows aka Web Rumors also has a deep love of traditional folk music and here we find her combining those two passions creating an album that manages to bring the best from both of them.

     Opening track, “Maid In Bedlam” could be a Kraftwerk tune,that is until Em's strong and confident voice joins the party producing a powerful and dramatic take on the tune drawing you into the album perfectly. Definitely rooted in the eighties, as is the whole album, “Blithe Echo” has a rich, imaginative electronic pulse and some fine saxophone playing courtesy of Bridget Cleary which adds a delightful eighties sheen to the tune, whilst on “Cold Witches' Cave” synths dance and swirl, and you try not to sing “The Model” by Kraftwerk over the top, something to do with the bass sound I think.

    Sounding more 80's than many tunes made in that decade, “The Haughs of Cromdale” reminds me of China Crisis, the song alive with plenty of energy and interesting sounds. Similarly engaging, “The Battle of Otterburn” is filled with melody and rhythmic touches that maintain interest throughout, that same sense of adventure to be found on “Flourish”, synth lines and vocal lines intertwining sweetly with some house-like piano touches to be found within its grooves.

     Underpinned with some rippling guitar work courtesy of  Jack Sharp, “Lovely on the Water”is another fine tune and leads us nicely to the final track, and eight minute version of the classic “Cruel Sister”. Here, more than ever, the vocals are the star, electronics ebbing and flowing around the tune, washes of synths drifting across the landscape as the music builds the atmosphere of the piece beautifully. A fitting way to end this collection and a new an intriguing take on this traditional tale that left me smiling and content.

    Way back in 2003 I reviewed an album by Bethany Yarrow (Rock Island) that also attempted to mix traditional tales with more modern sounds and I am reminded of that collection here, although Yarrow used a live band for her rendition of the tunes.

    Musically this album may stray away from Terrascopic norms, but if you like a bit of synth pop action this album may scratch an itch you didn't know you had.

(Simon Lewis)